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Label, the best Zodiac Match for your personality is Sagittarius
Sagittarius, the Archer (November 23 to December 21): This intellectual and independent partner is just your type. Initially, a Sagittarius may catch your eye with their knack for witty conversation and flirtation. But as you get to know them better, you're even more likely to be drawn to your Sagittarian's adventurousness and unhesitating willingness to take the risks necessary to keep life fun and free. People born under this sign are typically both enjoyable to be around and interesting to talk with. Be aware that Sagittarians do have a tendency to become restless at times. However, this sense of adventure will help keep things exciting in your relationship. In the bedroom, you'll likely find that the Archer is sexually creative and will keep you happily engaged. This is simply a natural extension of the Sagittarian nature. Overall, they want to get the most out of life and are always on the lookout for exciting new adventures.
Although Sagittarius is your strongest Zodiac Match, your responses indicate there are a number of other astrological signs that you're highly compatible with.
Sagitário?! Por acaso a minha tendência tem sido mais Carneiro, Gémeos, Aquário, Carneiro, Aquário, Aquário, Leão, Carneiro (se é que não me escapa nada)...
Com Aquário é, definitavemente, demasiada água junta, com Gémeos demasiado intelectual, Leão de cortar a respiração... a melhor nota ainda fica para os primeiros do Zodíaco: os carneiros! Embora dê a mão à palmatória que fogo é mesmo com Leão! LOLOL

Sagittarius, the Archer (November 23 to December 21): This intellectual and independent partner is just your type. Initially, a Sagittarius may catch your eye with their knack for witty conversation and flirtation. But as you get to know them better, you're even more likely to be drawn to your Sagittarian's adventurousness and unhesitating willingness to take the risks necessary to keep life fun and free. People born under this sign are typically both enjoyable to be around and interesting to talk with. Be aware that Sagittarians do have a tendency to become restless at times. However, this sense of adventure will help keep things exciting in your relationship. In the bedroom, you'll likely find that the Archer is sexually creative and will keep you happily engaged. This is simply a natural extension of the Sagittarian nature. Overall, they want to get the most out of life and are always on the lookout for exciting new adventures.
Although Sagittarius is your strongest Zodiac Match, your responses indicate there are a number of other astrological signs that you're highly compatible with.
Sagitário?! Por acaso a minha tendência tem sido mais Carneiro, Gémeos, Aquário, Carneiro, Aquário, Aquário, Leão, Carneiro (se é que não me escapa nada)...
Com Aquário é, definitavemente, demasiada água junta, com Gémeos demasiado intelectual, Leão de cortar a respiração... a melhor nota ainda fica para os primeiros do Zodíaco: os carneiros! Embora dê a mão à palmatória que fogo é mesmo com Leão! LOLOL
4 Comentários:
Não compreendi esta do Sagitário!!! Está-me a escapar algo, verdad?...
P.: Eu sei que Aquário é ar, estava apenas a falar da água que os aquários contém... ou seja: o que quis dizer é que dois aquários juntos é para meterem água. ;)
Mas a perita és tu, bien sûr! :)
Chocolover: Hummm... por acaso não me tinha lembrado desse pormenor! LOL! Podes ficar descansada eu ando inofensiva! ;)
A mim deu-me isto:
Libra, the Scales (September 24 to October 23): This idealistic yet easygoing partner is just your type. Initially, a Libra partner may catch your attention with their elegant charm and attentiveness during courtship. But as you get to know them better, you're likely to be even more drawn to your Libra's appreciation for beauty and fairness, as well as their peaceful disposition. People born under this sign are known for being romantic partners who have an excellent ability to build and grow an egalitarian relationship. Librans may seem to be a bit lazy to you at times. However, their love of pleasure can be a benefit, too — one that can roust both of you from falling into boring relationship routines. In the bedroom, you'll likely find the Scales to be both creative and driven, with a significant sexual appetite. In general, Libras are flirtatious, talkative people who are almost always open to amusing distractions.
Although Libra is your strongest Zodiac Match, your responses indicate there are a number of other astrological signs that you're highly compatible with.
PS - continuo sem perceber ... (smiley a coçar a cabeça ...)
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